Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The thing is… the thing is I’m looking for a job these days and I can’t seem to get one ;) I’m trying to look at things positively even though it definitely does not feel like a nice walk in the park. There are those terrible days when you feel that nothing is ever going to work out. That’s when you hang out with someone and complain about how things could have been much better, much, much better.

So you might want to watch a YouTube video and make yourself feel better by laughing as loudly as possible. But try as you might, there are some thoughts that you just cannot remove from your mind. Like for instance I always wondered about those people who tell you to do whatever that makes you the happiest. I always think about that. No, I don’t want to pull out my scrap book of sad story clippings of my life just yet but if I want to talk about what I am thinking in general, it is this: the things that make you happiest may not necessarily be the best for everyone else. I know what you’re thinking, fuck everyone else. Do what you want to do. But that’s not always possible.

Fuck you

For instance, what I really wanted to do was become an interior designer but there were some issues. Money being the biggest issue. See, everything revolves around money (I think Batman can teach you a thing or two about the relationship between money and happiness). You can’t afford to go to a fancy Interior design school because you don’t have money and then on the other hand, let’s say you do get a couple of loans, mortgage your house (your parent’s house that is) and do become an interior designer eventually. There’s the really sad situation of finding a job! Haha! Well, it’s not funny, really. So, all things considered, I half-heartedly did some degree or the other that can secure me a job, thereby assuring job security and money FOREVER!! Hooooray!

This keeps nagging me in the back of my mind but I suppose I will eventually learn to let go and move on with my life. I’ve got other things to keep me happy. Like my Nepenthes plant which I want to see catch cockroaches when it’s old enough. There’s always a silver lining.

Atta boy

Either way, I’m going to look back at what I have written here and then smile and think how stupid all this is. I recently read some stuff I wrote when I was fourteen and boy was I glad no one ever set their eyes on it!
Here’s my favorite part from the movie ‘Horrible Bosses’. It always cracks me up.

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